
Syncterm screen capture
Syncterm screen capture

syncterm screen capture
syncterm screen capture

This repository builds the latest stable or dev SyncTERM Installer for Windows. Capterra rating: 4.2 out of 5, 24 reviews. Please file bug reports at the SourceForge bug tracker and feature requests in the Feature Request tracker. Supports Operation Overkill ][ Terminal emulationįor detailed specs on SyncTERMs handling of ANSI, as well as it's many extensions, refer to this document.This tool will allow you to create fonts for use with SyncTERM. Comes with 43 standard fonts and allows the BBS to change the current font and upload custom fonts.

syncterm screen capture

Supports character pacing for ANSI animation as well as the VT500 ESC[*r sequence to allow dynamic speed changes.


  • Telnet, RLogin, SSH, RAW, modem, shell (*nix only) and direct serial connections In SynchroVZ (unlike when you compile Synchronet yourself), you can type scfg at any location at the command line and the configuration utility will run.
  • To take the screenshot of the active window you want, and not just any window, you will need to select the said window by clicking on it first. If you only want to capture a Single active Window, you can use the keyboard shortcut Alt + Prt Sc (print screen).
  • ANSI Music (through the sound card if installed) Method 2: Alt + Prt Sc (print screen button) screen capture.
  • You can then click a video you want to play.
  • Support for IBM low and high ASCII including the face graphics ( ☺ and ☻) and card symbols ( ♥, ♦, ♣, and ♠) which so many other terms have problems with (may not work in curses mode.
  • Full CGTerm Commodore 64 PETSCII support.
  • *nix versions will run using SDL, X11, or using curses.
  • Runs in full-screen mode on ALL platforms (ALT-Enter switches modes).
  • Windows, Linux, OpenBSD, NetBSD, OS X, and FreeBSD.
  • SyncTERM is a BBS terminal program which supports: The latest builds will have a recent shared Synchronet BBS List included.


    This article explains how to take screenshots on a Windows PC. To capture specific parts of the screen, use the Windows Snipping Tool or Snip & Sketch. To capture only the active window, press Alt + PrtScn. This repository is only for building a windows installer for SyncTERM, and does On Windows 10 and 8, Windows Key + PrtScn to capture entire screen.

    Syncterm screen capture