
Nvalt iphone app
Nvalt iphone app


Evernote* – capturing text notes, documents, contacts, images, photos and screenshots and sharing them including on iOS devices (free with some paid features).NValt – plain text and markdown no-frills note-taking (free) /many alternatives.


OmniFocus* – unparalleled task management app extensively reviewed on Macademic however tempting it is, don’t try to put all your life in there! ($40 or $80 for the professional version /alt: Things, TheHitList, TaskPaper.Notebook – project management and planning ($50) /alt: Daylite.OmniOutliner* – outlining for brainstorming and project planning also used for writing outlines (see D) ($50 or $100 for professional version) /alt: MindNote.Bus圜al – professional calendar management (€40) /alt: Mac’s native Calendar.Fantastical* – natural language calendaring, part of the Macademic Ninja Kit (€16).Mail Act-On – processing and organizing email with keyboard shortcuts in Apple Mail ($25).MailTags – tagging mail messages in Apple Mail ($30).Foxtrot – a professional search engine “ goodbye haystack, hello needle!” ($40 or $130 for the professional version) /alt: Leap, DevonThink, HoudahSpot.Papers – managing scientific articles, also used for annotation, citation and bibliographies in writing (see D) check Macademic reviews (€60) /alt: Sente (no longer supported but there is a legacy download site), Bookends.Hazel – file management automator, indispensable for managing reference files (€20).File and e-mail organizing and management

nvalt iphone app

Dropbox* – file sharing (free) /alt: Boxī.1Password* – password, identities and other sensitive information management (€40).TextExpander* – Mac typing shortcut utility (€35).LaunchBar – a launcher and an automator (€24) /alt: Alfred, check here for comparison.Reflections and explanations are at the end of the list A. I am pretty sure that I could do my professor work with these 25 apps but if any one was removed without replacement I would be severely handicapped. NValt and Ulysses or Byword and Scrivener). These apps do not duplicate each other, on the contrary some of them are mentioned under more than one heading and some are used together (e.g. What would I choose? To answer this, I have made a mission critical list of 25 apps in five categories. Also imagine that I am not bound to any historical file or data formats.

nvalt iphone app


Well, there are over 250 items in my Applications folder, but how many do I need to remain productive? So imagine that I have a completely new Mac with no software (except OS and its standard apps). A reader has just challenged me to re-think the software I use for academic work on Mac.

Nvalt iphone app