
Junk silver coins for sale on ebay
Junk silver coins for sale on ebay

Give us a call at 91ĩ0% junk silver coins are still official US coinage and can be used as a means of legal tender face value payment. The 90% silver coins are great for the sort of dystopic, post-apocalyptic, Marshall Law scenario of Hollywood story-lines we seem to have been bombarded with over the last fifteen years. This is the worst-case scenario more on the fringe, but in a true crisis situation, survivalists like to keep 90% silver around because of their divisibility, making them easier to use if basic needs like food and supplies have to be traded on the run. No one can predict the future, but perceived crises and fear will continue and, as they say, perception is reality. Silver premiums were also up in mid-2012 when there was uncertainty about the Mayan calendar “running out.” Some are pointing toward 2020 as being another pivotal year. When have premiums been up to 50% on 90% silver? The months leading up the year 2000, due to the Y2k bug scare. Historically, spikes in buyback premiums for 90% coins have come in months leading up to a perceived crisis. One can take this even further by buying different classes of silver within bullion to profit from the arbitrage, or at the very least keep a balance when the price dips come. Often investors hedge by buying different types of precious metals. In times of shortages, 90% coins can fetch higher premiums than silver bars. Although they are less rare and easier to find, it takes more than twice as many coins to bare the same amount of silver. These coins tend to have a lesser premium and be less rare because they are more recent in a strike year. Along with capturing an era of time, you’re also reminded of that loved one by this collection. Unless a relative was a serious collector and owned graded coins in protected certified slabs and you knew this, you might come across a stash that was built up for a rainy day after he or she had already passed on. However difficult, it is still easier to counterfeit a silver bar versus a coin, thus 90% silver coins could hold more weight (no pun intended) with buyers, since they hold a recognizable and accepted face value that is legal tender by law. Familiarity and trust is key when trying to liquidate silver bullion.

junk silver coins for sale on ebay

Some aren’t comfortable with rounds without a face value, not because they don’t know the value, but because buyers might not. Here are a few reasons for owning and investing in 90% silver coins.

junk silver coins for sale on ebay

From a big picture standpoint, let’s just say the reasons for buying 90% silver coins very.

Junk silver coins for sale on ebay